My friend Jeff told me the story about how he met his wife (who, by the way, is the absolute love of his life). His brother was hosting a birthday party for his wife on the West Coast and Jeff was working on the East Coast. In order to make it to the party, Jeff had to book a 10pm flight from NYC to LA, get to the party around 9:30pm PST, be there for two hours, and then book a red-eye back to NYC to make it to work the next morning. Crazy. Insane. Most people would say “Sorry, bro. Give her my love.” and not make that trip. Not Jeff. He put aside what is “right”, “normal”, and “sane” — all of the agreements we make in life — and booked that flight. He went to the party and it was there that he met the absolute love of his life. In those two hours he was done for, heart and soul. AND to top it off, his brother was thrilled to see him! Win, win, Jeff.
What could happen if you put all of your traditional agreements aside and did something just because you can. What is truly holding you back from living the best life you possibly can? Nothing is holding Jeff back. What’s in your way?